construction – wheelloaders

itemtype = Gebruikte machines
Merk = CAT
Model = 998H
Bouwjaar = 2005
Land = NL
Prijs excl. BTW = 99500.00
BTW = 21.00
Voorraad nummer = 202087
Aantal gebruiksuren = 18296
Serienummer = CAT0988HEBXY00350
Totaalgewicht GVW = 56276.00
Afmetingen (LxBxH) = 0,01282×0,0041×0,00408
Prijs excl. BTW = 99500.00
Land = Nederland
Plaats = Venlo
Overige informatie = Specifications

Engine and model Caterpillar C18
Engine power 373 kW
CE Yes
Erops cabin Yes
Tyre size 35/65R33
Bucket GP bucket with teeth
Width of the bucket 4.10m
Steering Joy stick control
Ride control Yes
Autoshift Yes
Central lubrication Cental lubrication available but not tested
Overall condition In very good and clean condition.

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