construction – constructionbreakers

itemtype = Gebruikte machines
Merk = [Other]
Model = ITR UNH177
Bouwjaar = 2024
Land = NL
Prijs excl. BTW = 37000.00
BTW = 21.00
Voorraad nummer = 903951
Status = Nieuw/ongebruikt
Prijs excl. BTW = 37000.00
Land = Nederland
Plaats = Venlo
Overige informatie = New Rock Breaker ITR UNH177. We will supply the Rock Breaker including the top plate and 2x chisel, the point chisel and the flat chisel. In case you buy a machine with us and you take also the ITR rock breaker, we will test it and put all levels in correct. The Rock breaker suits machines 40t-65t.

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